Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Introducing the new Mefie Fall/Winter Handbags and Two for One Christmas Fair Tickets

New Fall/Winter Stock Available Now!
October was a very exciting month at Mefie.  We were back in Ghana working with our team of artisans to construct our new line.  This season we have brought back our ever-popular laptop bags, introduced new designs for our tote bags and have created new versatile clutch purses. We have also introduced new designs to our ever-popular interiors range with new tie and die cushions (seen in the photograph below) as well as new wax print and kente cushion designs for you to enjoy.

As always, the trip to Ghana was amazing, hence, we wanted to share our experiences with our fabulous followers and we have videotaped our artisans to provide more information about the intricacy of their craft.  We are now in the process of editing so the video will be available shortly and we will create another post with a link for you to view.
As well, we had our first photo shoot with models and the pictures are GORGEOUS!  Here is a sneak peak of some of our shots!

Everybody Loves a Discount...So We're Offering One...and a Few Tips   for a New Entreprenuer

Over the last few weeks we at Mefie have had the opportunity to attend a few entrepreneurial events and they have been great networking and learning tools.  We attended the Grazia Magazine workshop 'Stop Talking and Start Doing' with Shaa Wasmund and had a chance to talk to the panel and to ask questions about increasing the awareness of an online business.  There were a few great tips that we took away from the event but in particular, one idea Shaa suggested really resonated with us...she said that we should provide flyers to the customers we meet in person at the markets in order to continue to engage online.  Hence, we developed the flyer below!  Let us know your thoughts!  We also wanted to take Shaa's suggestion a bit further and offer our discount to you our blog readers so  that you can benefit from the discounts provided to offline customers!  Enjoy!

Great words to hear...Discount...Christmas Show Tickets available
It is that time of year again!  November is the start of the  Christmas rush and we at Mefie have begun to attend Christmas Fairs in the lead-up to the festive season.  Believe it or not Christmas is only 6 weeks away!  We just completed our first Christmas market--Spirit of Christmas held from the 5th-10th of November and are about to begin our second show--the Rare Brand Market at Goodwood Race Course in Sussex.
For our lovely readers we are offering 2 for 1 tickets to the Rare Brand Show held from the 13-16th of November.  We hope you can come along to our Christmas market and  that it will provide a springboard to your Christmas shopping!

Spirit of Christmas

...Wishing you an Afro-chic Christmas!

That's all for now!   And remember if you like our business tell a friend to tell a friend...we are new and so need you to help spread the word!

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