On Saturday I held my first mefieuk open house! It seems that all of my hard work paid off as it was a success! Those who attended gave me great feedback and overall the designs were well received. One of my favourite things to do was to dress the house with my inspired looks...particularly the living room which has been a labour of love.
When I purchased my home in the UK three and a half years ago I realised that there are two factions to the interiors world here...the really high prices found at The King's Road and the Chelsea Design Centre (I love the stuff but just can't afford to decorate my house in it) and the lower end Ikea etc (which I love for the colour but I crave a bit more individuality). I am somewhere in between and so my hunt for the perfect items to reflect my style began. I have been dismayed by the lack of variety in the mid-range interiors market, hence I started sewing to reflect my style. It took me nearly two years to purchase the pieces that I wanted but I am happy with the final look. The finishing touches are the scatter cushions which I love. They add a pop of colour and I can change them with the seasons.
Here is the look from my open house. I have a cushy Stepevi rug (which was a hit at the open house especially with the kids who played on it all night long). The sofa is The Morelia from Darlings of Chelsea custom sewn with Linwood Zoo II fabric, the mirror is from Dwell and I finished with cushions from www.mefie.co.uk
The Open House was great. Do it again, do it again, do it again xx